Total Card Manager

App Store availability

The Gauss iOS app is experiencing technical difficulties and is currently unavailable for new iOS downloads.

Although our app listing is down, our current users remain unaffected and will continue to have full access to the app. Please do not uninstall your app to keep access to your account through the app. For all Android users, your experience is unaffected.

As we continue to work with Apple to solve the issue, we've opened up our web application for all users to continue to have full access to their accounts and all of the features Gauss has to offer. Please use "Sign in" button on the home page or visit from your mobile browser.

If you have any questions please feel free to reach out to

To our current and future customers, we are grateful for your support as we work through these app store issues. We look forward to continuing to build great products, so stay tuned!

The Gauss Team
JAN, 17 / 2023
Placid Inc.
200 Vesey Street, 24th Floor, New York, NY 10281
(877) 909-1559
Copyright 2022. All rights reserved.